Home-based Community &
Employment Services (CES).
Arkansas Family Supports, Inc. will operate CES Waiver Services that will be available to individuals as an alternative to ICF/MR placement.
Under this waiver, individuals may receive services such as Supportive Living, Respite, Adaptive Equipment, Emergency Response System Installation and Testing, Emergency Response System Service Fee, Emergency Response System Purchase, Environmental Modifications, Specialized Medical Supplies, Supplemental Support, Case Management, Supportive Employment, Consultation, Crisis Intervention, Transitional Case Management, Community Transition Services.
CES is a state and federally funded program for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities with an age of onset before the age of 22. Community and Employment Services are an alternative to institutionalization. An individual in CES lives as independently as possible in the community (the least restrictive setting) with Waiver services and other supports instead of living in an institution (a restrictive setting).
Supported Living Services and Respite
Provides direct care staff to work in the individual’s home and community on goals and objectives desired by the individual that were identified in the PCSP (Person-Centered Service Plan). Supported Living helps individuals to develop and keep and/or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live successfully in their home and community, with their family or in an alternate living residence or setting.
Non-Medical Transportation
Enables individuals to gain access to community services, activities and resources activities as outlined and approved in their individualized PCSP.
Organized Health Care Delivery of Services (OHCDS)
Allows waiver providers to sub-contract any service for which they are Arkansas’ Division of Developmental Disabilities Services approved and enrolled. A written contract is required. It is the responsibility of the provider to line up subcontractors, bids and bill for the service. These services must be prior-approved by DDS.
Adaptive Equipment: This service provides for the purchase, leasing, and repair of adaptive, therapeutic and augmentative equipment. This equipment must be required for the individual to increase, maintain or improve their ability to perform daily life tasks.
Environmental Modifications: This service provides for adaptations to the individual’s place of residence (structure). The environmental modifications are to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual or to enable the individual to function with greater independence.
Specialized Medical Supplies: Services provide for items necessary for life support and the supplies and equipment necessary for the proper functioning of such items. Non-durable medical equipment not available under the Arkansas Medicaid State Plan may also be provided.
Supplemental Supports: Assist an individual to live in the community and participate in leisure, recreational, social and educational activities that make a positive difference their life.
Consultation: Consultation is used to assists individuals, parents and/or guardians and/or responsible individuals, community living services providers and alternative living setting providers in carrying out an individual’s service plan.
Emergency Response System Installation and Testing: Emergency response system that the individual can access in need or distress. Service that allows the installation and testing of the Emergency Response System.
Emergency Response System Service Fee: OHCDS service that allows the monthly service fee for the Emergency Response System.
Emergency Response System Purchase: Service that allows the purchase of the Emergency Response System.